Dutch Aviation Support reports

Press visit januari 2008
Dutch F-16AM stands on alert at Kandahar. Scramble !!
The laser guided bomb GBU-12 already mounted under the wing 
Impressive sight, and also the Sidewinders are ready, only 'remove before take-off ' ribbons 
External fueltanks, the F-16 is ready to go on any scramble 
The pilot arrives, gets in the cockpit and taxies out to the runway...
... this can be any hour of the day or night ! 
Showing force ? Cannon ? GBU ? You never know what to expect, so be prepared !
And prepared they are ! Above two shots of the Dutch platform at KAF. 
Off they go, good mission and happy landings !!
It's not only military, what about this hughe AN-124-200 ?
He's regular seen on the Dutch part, next to the French platform. 
talking about the French, they give 'acte de presence' with Mirage 2000 and F-1
Here a Mirage 2000 in it's shelter, being prepared for a mission
The 2000 is ready to depart, and the F-1 taxies out for a mission. Sunday 13-01-2008.
Both machines hit the air and are prepared with GBU-12 and external tanks
Next to RC-South they cover the whole of Afghanistan if neccessary.
A small view at the civil part of Kandahar Airfield, as far as civilians land here.....
Let's have a look at the British part of Kandahar. They try to make the best of it.....
This platform doesn't differ so much from the rest of it, stand-by Harriers...
Standing in their shelters, waiting for any scramble. 
The weather was as bad as it was that day, Sea Kings had to stay in the wet snow !

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