Very Extended Market Garden Memorial    ii      iPage 6i

Dutch Aviation MEDIA 2010

          CROSSING THE RIVER MEMORIES...         

Crossing the river in broad daylight...
page: 1- Eerde Village                    2- Eerde Battle part 1         3- Eerde Battle part 2         4- Eindhoven AFB
page:  5- Parachutists Ginkel       6- Cross over                       7- Eerde Camp                     8- Eerde at night
page:  9- Keep 'm Rolling             10- Green Group                  11- Hartenstein                    12- Veterans jump
Following 4 pictures credits: Newspaper 'De Gelderlander'. 
Since we could'nt be at all places at the same time collegue journalists provided us with these images below: 
Old veterans crossed the river once more, and they enjoyed it proudly !
Decorated, making the crossing again, he is one of the few who knows why they did it !
Dutch soldiers helped the old men, to regain some memories and remember places
It sometimes had something like 'band of Brothers'...
... and it happened around this bridge being one object to conquer. Many Polish guys fought and died here...
Paratroopers in the C-47 Skytrain (credits 'De Gelderlander')
This is an original picture (credits unknown) as there are only a few pictures of the landings...
.... but don't forget these troops were under heavy firing. (credits pic's unknown)
An enormous fleet of C-47's, ready to bring the para-troopers to Holland (credits unknown) 
Loads of gliders were town to the DZ's, to transport soldiers and take the Germans by surprise...
...later on the wounded had to be taken care of and transported. (credits picture unknown)
An artists impression around the bridgehead and German bunker
The Old Mill (now being restored at Eerde Village, where heavy fighting took place. 
A completely restored German Canon, left behind by the Germans in the small village of 'Zandoerle' 
Please join to a real interesting page: EERDE CAMP ! 

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