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Last but not least there was a nice 'allied camp' where intelligence was taking place,
and some showed clothing and several things from the war-time. These people do this all for a hobby.
Enjoy this last page with only photographic impressions of:
The Re-enactors and their material.
With an unexpected 'exiting' old-fashioned end from the nineteen-fourties ;-)) ....
.... and the The Fokker 4 demoteam...
... as well as a last demo-image we say thank you so much for your interest and your attention ! See you at Oostwold Airshow in 2017 ?

           (Aricle     in Dutch only) Tekst in het Nederlands    (Article in Dutch only)

                              Artikel in het Nederlands vergroot met enkele foto's
Ehm.. if you like: The link below gives you a view on two years extra Oostwold Airshow in smaller images, but who-ever fancies it ...  :-)) 

Focus on Oostwold 2009 & 2011

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