SIKORSKY  S-38B  'OSA'S ARK'       


Dutch Aviation MEDIA 2011

The Dutch 'Piloot & Vliegtuig' reports about this remarquable plane, the very last flying one ! 
Our story tells about the present, and future plans. For now we're sorry, only to have this article in Dutch language...
... so if anyone would like to translate it, you'll have the credits ofcourse !
In this very same magazine our collegue, friend and contributor Thijs Postma also writes about the S-38 above
   His story is more focussed on the history of this fine plane and the story of the Johnson family.
Here below we'll show you a photographic impression, most of it from Oostmalle Airfield Belgiumi
                                                                                'The Explorer's Air Yacht'                     Credits owner Thom Schrade, as also next image
It has something from a swimming dog with this nose.... 
A view in the cockpit, analog, simple, hard work to fly
Very nice details, copper clocks, oak handles
And we cannot get enough of these fine engines: Pratt & Whitney !
See these fine old-fashioned techniques, a treat for the eye !
P & W R-1340 Wasp 9 cylinder air cooled radial engines
They deliver 400 Hp (298 kW) each
You cannot call it a 'Kitchenette' but there is tea available ...  :-)
The interior of this last flying S-38 is like a Disney fairytale...
... little chairs, a nice couch and a cabinet...
... finally a look on the tail-side and stairs to the hatch in the roof. Right the robust P&W logo in stainless steel.
This is the owner, pilot, and enthousiast storyteller: Mr. Thomas Schrade.
Sally showed me what's in the zebra-bag: Her lovable dog Remington ! Sally is Thom's navigator at his trips.
And here they go, Thom, Sally and Remington on a flight over Belgium. We were there for you to report.
The Sikorsky slowly rides over the taxiway to the runway...
....Thom must have liked the environments of Oostmalle airstrip
... the Sikorsky get's lifted by the wind under it's wings...'s such an amazing thing to see this flying-boat coming along....
... and fly over the tree-tops a little while later in the landing...
...making a picture while the S-38 approaches, while lying on your belly on the ground with a camera...
... this is the view you have out of the hatch in the roof which is also the entrance...
... and there she goes again...
In times of trouble the plane can fly and land on one engine...
Here another view on the instruments in the cockpit, this implicates real flying !
This is how the world looks photographed in the reflection of one of the spinners on the shaft...
... this is: OSA's ARK !
Thom likes to talk about the trips and to explain about his plane. Right: a nice detail of the aileron controls
A detail of the backwheel construction, and the impressing double rudder...
Everything is so nice manufactured, even the fenders on the floats and nose of the plane
Details on the fuselage and a view on the Pratt & Whitney which is beautiful out of every angle
A view out of the S-38 on Oostmalle airfield in Belgium
... and we cannot get enough of these two fine 9-cylinder engines, can we ?
... enjoy another few details...
This is a picture (below) of the original S-38 of the Johnsons in Africa...
... where they had their trips to gather knowledge and film material to show and educate the world...
of another world where you also could get ... wet feet ! This picturee shows a way how to avoid it !
Thom tells about his future plans, also that he could do it all what he wanted to achieve in the world tour so far...
... after that he might want to sell the plane, or perhaps do another trip if he can find a sponsor...
... to fly over wide deserts, wild animals, or where the time might take him. Like here in Belgium.
Thom thinks often about his friend Buzz Kaplan whom he shared with the restauration of the S-38...
... Kaplan crashed in a just restored 'Jenny' from 1917. Buzz Kaplan wanted to fly with Thom and explore the world...
... flying over land and water... and Thom realizes that he must be grateful anyway to be able to do these things now...
... though without his friend however, on his own. Let us dedicate this article to Mr. Buzz Kaplan posthumously.
Asking Thom if he would restore another plane like this, he puts his cap some deeper in the eyes...
... and explains: From the beginning there were some 40.000 men hours in it....
... we do have GPS and electronic monitoring of engines and fuel, safety first. But to do it again....
... his face says it all. Thom and Sally: Thank you for this wonderful occasion that we were to share with you !
Also for the spectators it was a treat for the eye and a one time opportunity to see the last flying S-38 Sikorsky !
                Klik hier voor het geschreven artikelli
                Click here for the written articleli
We dedicate this article to Mr. Buzz Kaplan U (2002)
Minnesota aviation icon and EAA President’s Council member R.W. "Buzz" Kaplan died on Wednesday,i
June 26 2002 in a plane crash near Owatonna Airport Minnesota. Kaplan was flying a restored 1917 Jenny biplanei
that crashed and came to rest nose down in a ditch about a mile and a half from the airport. Thom Schrade i
thinks of him every day, they had planned to have the 'Osa's Ark' flights togehter as friends and aviators.i
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